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Student Research Symposium

2024 ULM Student Research Symposium

April 24, 2024

Welcome to the ULM Research Symposium 2024 website!

We are pleased to see your enthusiasm for research and innovation. RS 24 is a platform where students can share their innovative ideas, engage in intellectual discourse, and contribute to the ever-changing academic world.

The deadline for the submission of abstracts has been set for April 15, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. To ensure that your work is considered for presentation at the symposium, please submit your research abstracts to your school representative, by this date. This is your opportunity to share your research with a larger audience, receive constructive criticism, and network with peers and faculty in your field.

We anxiously anticipate your participation and cannot wait to see the innovative research you have conducted. Remember that every significant discovery begins with a single notion. Together, let's share our findings at the ULM Research Symposium 2024!


Undergraduate - Oral presentation

Undergraduate - Poster presentation

Graduate - Poster presentation

Graduate - Oral Presentation

Graduate - 3MT Research Communication (No abstract needed)

Stay tuned for additional updates and details. If you have any questionss or require additional assistance, please contact your school's representative.

Looking forward to seeing your hard work!
